Dannnye K. Holley, Dean and Professor of Law


Strategic Planning
The Assessment Department and the TMSL Strategic Planning committee work together to monitor the Thurgood Marshall School of Law Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan goals are: 1) enhance bar success and student learning, 2) build and maintain a faculty of superior teachers and scholars, 3) maintain reputation for diversity and attract and maintain qualified students, 4) expand career opportunities, 5) build a community of respect and support, and 6) build and maintain the infrastructure to support the strategic plan. The Assessment Department collects data to assist the Strategic Planning Committee in reporting on the outcomes in the Plan. In addition, all assessment initiatives, including the TMSL assessment plan, are intentionally aligned with the goals of the Strategic Plan.


Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)
The Law School Assessment process is part of a University-wide effort to assess student learning.  Each school or college within the University, including the Law School, develops learning outcomes, assesses those outcomes, and reports on use of the results to improve student learning. Both processes are central to maintaining the University’s accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS).  The TMSL assessment plan is maintained online along with those of other Texas Southern University colleges and schools through the Xitracs database. Assessment reports are updated annually.

American Bar Association
In August 2014, American Bar Association adopted new accreditation standards for outcomes assessment that require law schools to adopt and assess institutional learning outcomes. The ABA standards also require Law School faculty to use both formative and summative assessment. (ABA.2015_learning_outcomes_guidance.authcheckdam.pdf). The Assessment Office works with the faculty to implement the new requirements.


Contact Information

Hours of Operation 8:30am - 5:00pm
(713) 313-1146




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Kristopher Chrishon, PhD MPH MA
Executive Director Academic Assessment
Email: Kristopher.Chrishon@TSU.EDU

Office: 713-313-1014
Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Room 217
3100 Cleburne Street, Houston, Texas  77004

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3100 Cleburne Street, Houston, TX 77004 Ph: 713.313.4455  Fax: 713.313.1049