World Vision
As an international aid Christian humanitarian organization, World Vision works in nearly 100 countries around the globe, combating the root causes of poverty and responding quickly when disaster strikes.
We partner with communities to find lasting ways of improving the lives of children and their families while providing international disaster relief.
Habitat for Humanity
The organization that provides low cost housing has a Haiti initiative underway.
Mercy Corps
Their website describe them and their mission:
Mercy Corps is a team of 3700 professionals helping turn crisis into opportunity for millions around the world. By trade, we are engineers, financial analysts, drivers, community organizers, project managers, public health experts, administrators, social entrepreneurs and logisticians. In spirit, we are activists, optimists, innovators and proud partners of the people we serve.
And now, they are among those coming to the aid of Haiti.
Wyclef Jean’s charitable organization is in the m of the relief effort. The humanitarian has committed his life to improving conditions in his homeland, well before the current crisis. This website tends to shut down because of the flood of hits, but text "Yele" to 501501 to donate $5 to the effort, and bypass the website for now.
The American Red Cross
The venerable old organization has had its image problems over the years, but it remains a steady player when relief is needed. Concerns about percentages of contributions going to overhead notwithstanding, it remains the expert in getting relief to where it is needed. Do not let concerns about overhead prevent you from contributing, if not the Red Cross, then someone else.
The International Committee for the Red Cross
The international umbrella organization has a lot to say about war, poverty, and disaster, making it more than a relief organization and more of a policy organization. Perhaps the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) after which others model themselves. No disaster goes untended by this organization, especially the Haitian earthquake.
Other support opportunities:
Haitian American Emergency Relief Committee
Phone: 305-588-2200
UNICEF is seeking donations to the ongoing emergency relief efforts in Haiti and the Caribbean region through or call 1-800-4UNICEF.
88 Hamilton Avenue
Stamford, Conn. 06902
Ph:(800) 486-4357
226 Causeway St., 5th Floor
Boston, MA 02114-2206
(800) 77-OXFAM (776-9326)
Haiti Earthquake Children in Emergency Fund
54 Wilton Road
Westport, Conn. 06880
(800) 728-3843
Haiti Earthquake Relief
P.O. Box 9716
Federal Way, Wash. 98063-9716
(888) 511-6548
151 Ellis Street
Atlanta, Ga. 30303
(800) 521-CARE (521-2273)