Thurgood Marshall School of Law
(Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty)
(Publication Dates from 2006 – 2017)
Updated as of June 20, 2017
(Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs)
Challenges to Federal Income Tax Exemption of the Clergy and Government Support of Sectarian Schools Through Tax Credits Device and the Unresolved Questions After Arizona v. Winn: Is the U.S. Supreme Court Standing in the Way of Taxpayer Standing to Seek Meritorious Redress?, 28 Akron Tax J. 1 (2013) (Lead Article).
The Individual Alternative Minimum Tax and the Intersection of The Bush Tax Cuts: A Proposal For Permanent Reform, 23 Akron Tax J. 109 (2008).
Millions of Individual Taxpayers May Heave a Temporary Sigh of Alternative Minimum Tax Relief, The Houston Lawyer, Sept.-Oct. 2006, at 30.
New Texas Statute Authorizes Trusts for Care of Animals, The Houston Lawyer, Mar.-Apr. 2006, at 55.
No More Exoneration of Liens in Texas for Wills Executed on or After September 1, 2005, The Houston Lawyer, Nov.-Dec. 2006, at 57.
(Professor of Law)
Jury Misconduct? Can Courts Enforce a Social Media and Internet Free Process? We ‘Tweet,’ Not, 18 J. Tech. L. & Pol’y 265 (2013).
Electronic Data Discovery Sanctions: The Unmapped, Unwinding, Meandering Road, and the Courts’ Role in Steadying the Playing Field, 50 San Diego L. Rev. 621 (2013).
Legal Research in an Electronic Age: Electronic Data Discovery, A Litigation Albatross of Gigantic Proportions, 9 U.N.H. L. Rev. 1 (2010).
(Professor of Law)
Fame, Family Feuds, Lack of Estate Planning, and Ethical Misconduct in the Administration of the Billion-Dollar Legacy of Bob Marley, 4 Est. Plan. & Community Prop. L.J. 53 (2011) (with Christopher Ogolla).
Foreward, The Johnnie Cochran Symposium, 22 T. Marshall L. Rev. xiii (2007) (with Andreaus Boise).
Hurricane Katrina Symposium, Foreword, 31 T. Marshall L. Rev. 323 (2006).
(Assistant Professor of Law)
The Silver Tsunami: Aging Prisoners, Early Release, Guardianship and Prisoner Advocate Initiatives for Long Term Care beyond the Prison Walls, 1 Touro J. Aging, Longevity and L. 501 (Fall 2016).
Fifty Plus Years and Counting: A History of Experiential Learning and Clinical Opportunities at Thurgood Marshall School of Law, 39 T. Marshall L. Rev. 187 (2014) (with Thelma Harmon).
(Professor of Law)
Daily Fantasy Sports and the Presidential Debate, __ Marq. sports L. rev. __ (forthcoming 2017).
“Hawaiian Zen’ vs. ‘Beltway Paranoia”: The Legal-Ethical Difference Under Obama In Disseminating Information,” __ Appalachian J. of Law __ (forthcoming 2017).
The NCAA ‘Doth Protest Too Much, Methinks’ About DFS, 15 Cardozo Pub. L., Pol’y, & Ethics J. (2016).
Music Industry Contracts: Cases, Documents, and Materials (2016).
Amateur Sports: Cases, Documents, and Materials (2016).
Entertainment Law: Cases, Documents, and Materials (2015).
Recreational Injuries Cases, Documents, and Materials (2015).
A Seasick Blackjack Dealer on a Moored Riverboat Casino Is Not a “Seaman” Under the Jones Act, 42 Northern Ky. L. Rev. 493 (2015).
The Rise and Fall of Kirk Wright: The NFLPA’s Fiduciary Obligation as Third-Party Guarantor of ‘Certified Financial Advisors’, 4 Miss. Sports L. Rev. 1 (2015) (Lead Article).
Fundamentals of Sports Law (2d revised ed., 2004; ann. Supps. 2d ed. Dec. 2004-Dec. 2015).
Sports Law: Cases, Documents, and Materials (2d ed. 2014).
Baseball and the Law: Cases, Documents, and Materials (2014).
Intellectual Property Law in the Sports and Entertainment Industries (2014).
Business Laws of Colombia (2009; revised eds., Dec. 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014).
The Ethical Dilemma of Local Ordinances that Purport to Deport Illegal Aliens, 89 U. Det. Mercy L. Rev. 299 (2012) (with Lawrence Ruddell & Danyahel Norris).
Gaming Law in a Nutshell (2012) (with I. Nelson Rose).
Sports Ethics for Sports Management Professionals (2012) (with Patrick Thornton & Lawrence Ruddell).
Obama vs. Bush on Steroids: Two Different Approaches to a Pseudo-Controversy-Or is it Really Worthy of Note in a State of the Union Address?, 36 T. Marshall L. Rev. 193 (2011) (with Danyahel Norris).
The Tuskegee Syphilis Study as a Paradigm for Illegal, Racist, and Unethical Human Experimentation, 37 S.U. L. Rev. 231 (2010).
Why Not Row to the Bahamas Instead of Miami?: The Conundrum That Awaits Cuban Elite Baseball Players Who Seek Asylum and the Economic Nirvana of Free Agency, 9 Va. Sports & Ent. L.J. 219 (2010) (with Danyahel Norris).
“Mixed Metaphors,” revisionist History and Post-Hypnotic Suggestions on the Interpretation of Sports Antitrust Exemptions: The Second Circuit’s Use of in Clarett of a Piazza-Like “Innovative Reinterpretation of Supreme Court Dogma”, 20 Marq. Sports L. Rev. 55 (2009).
The Second Circuit Takes a Second Look at the Non-Statutory Labor Exemption in Professional Sports: A Review of Wood v. National Basketball Association, Caldwell v. American Basketball Association, National Basketball Association v. Williams, and Clarett v. National Football League, 27 Hofstra Lab. & Emp. L.J. 83 (2009).
Colombia’s Decree 1905 and the reinvention of Colombia’s Gaming Industry, 13 Gaming L. Rev. & Econ. 310 (2009) (with Danyahel Norris).
A Tale of Two Cities: A Commentary on the Media’s Response to Personal Injury “Feeding Frenzies” As a Result of the Vioxx and Silicosis Litigation, 31 Whittier L. Rev. 47 (2009).
Sports Law in a Nutshell(4th ed. 2009).
Looking Back to Mackey v. NFL to Revise the Non-Statutory Labor Exemption in Professional Sports, 18 Seton Hall J. Sports & Ent. L. 85 (2008).
The O.J. Trial as a Metaphor for Racism in Sports, 33 T. Marshall L. Rev. 157 (2007).
Is Da Nang The Next Atlantic City? Why Vietnam is the Next Sure Bet in Casino Development, 11 Gaming L. Rev. 714 (2007).
Clarett V. Nfl And The Reincarnation Of The Nonstatutory Labor Exemption In Professional Sports, 47 S. Tex. L. Rev. 587 (2006).
The Vioxx® Litigation Paradigm: The Search For Smoking Guns, 31 T. Marshall L. Rev. 157 (2006).
Peer Review and the Promotion of Good Governance in Africa, 32 N.C.J. Int'l L. & Com. Reg. 49 (2006).
(Professor of Law)
Strengthening US Trade Relations With Sub-Saharan Africa, 20 UCLA J. of Int’l L. and Foreign Aff. 317 (2016).
The Evolution and Decline of the Effective Vindication Doctrine in U.S. Arbitration Law, 14 Pepp. Disp. Resol. L.J. 375 (2014).
Rhetoric versus Reality: The Link between the Rule of Law and Economic Development, 23 Emory Int’l L. Rev. 383 (2009).
Obama’s Trade Policy: Trends Prospects, and Portends, 16 U.C. Davis J. Int’l & Pol’y 39 (2009).
Interpreting Most-Favored-Nation Clauses in Investment Treaty Arbitrations, 8 J. World Inv. & Trade 597 (2007).
(Professor of Law and Director of L.L.M. & Immigration Development)
Technology and Assessment in the Legal Classroom: An Empirical Study, in The Legal Profession: Education and Ethics in Practice 7 (2013).
Technology and Assessment in the Legal Classroom: An Empirical Study, in Inted 2011 Proceedings 5386 (L. Gómez Chova et al., 5th ed. 2011).
Racial Profiling as a Means of Thwarting the Alleged Latino Security Threat, 37 T. Marshall L. Rev. 5 (2011) (with Lupe Salinas).
Latinos, Terrorism and United States Immigration Policy, 1 HNBA J. L. & Pol’y 39 (2008) (with Lupe Salinas).
Familia E Inmigración: What Happened to Family Unity?,19 FLA J. Int’l L. 491 (August 2007).
(Professor of Law)
Nunc Dimittis or Chief Cornerstone: Evaluating Africa's International Norm-Development Experiment in the Chad-Cameroon Pipeline Project, 35 Nw. J. Int’l & Bus. 297 (2015).
Balancing Energy Development and Environmental Rights: From Foreign Litigation to International Insurance?, 2 Groningen J. Int’l L. 33 (2014).
Texas Business Associations (2014) (with Marcia Johnson).
Sustainable Energy in the United States: Access, Efficiency and Private Rights, in Energy Access for Economic Development: Policy, Institutional Frameworks and Strategic Options, Proceedings of the 2014 NAEE/IAEE Conference882 (Adeola Adenikinju et al eds., 2014).
Powering the Future: A Modern Conversation on Energy, 38 T. Marshall L. Rev. 151 (2013).
Community Equity Participation in African Petroleum Ventures: Path to Economic Growth?, 35 N.C. Cent. L. Rev. 111 (2013).
Stimulating Long-Term Shareholding, 33 Cardozo L. Rev. 1733 (2012).
Oil, Turmoil and a Texas Export for Energy Security, 37 T. Marshall L. Rev. 231 (2012).
Tackling Shareholder Short-termism and Managerial Myopia, 100 Ky. L.J. 531 (2012).
Realizing the People’s Right to Natural Resources, 12 Whitehead J. Dipl. & Int. Rel. 111 (2011).
Corporations and International Law, in International Law: Contemporary Issues and Future Developments 173 (Sanford R. Silverburg ed., 2011).
Avoiding a Limited Future for the De Facto LLC and LLC by Estoppel, 12 U. Pa. J. Bus. L. 1013 (2010).
The Global Energy Challenge And Nigeria's Emergence As A Major Gas Power: Promise, Peril Or Paradox Of Plenty?,21 Geo. Int’l Envtl. L. Rev. 395 (2009).
The New Incarnation of the Stabilization Clause Controversy in International Investment, in Contemporary Issues on Public International and Comparative Law: Essays in Honor of Professor Dr. Christian Nwachukwu Okeke631 (Chima Centus Nweze ed. 2009).
Corporate Accountability and Liability for International Human Rights Abuses: Recent Changes and Recurring Challenges, 6 NW. U. J. Int’l. Hum. Rts. 222 (2008).
Pioneering Models for International Project Finance and Criminal Adjudication through Shared Sovereignty, in Africa: Mapping New Boundaries in International Law 205 (Jeremy Levitt ed. 2008).
Exhaustion of Local Remedies and Alien Tort Litigations: Implications for International Human Rights Protection, 29 Fordham Int’l L. J. 1245 (2006).
Permanent Sovereignty and Peoples' Ownership of Natural Resources in International Law, 38 Geo. Wash. Int’l L. Rev. 33 (2006).
(Earl Carl Professor of Law)
Legal Malpractice: Cases and Explanations and Teacher’s Manual (forthcoming).
Pedagogical Guide to Legal Malpractice: Cases and Explanations (forthcoming).
Foreword to “Civil Injustices: Issues with Employment Discrimination, Federal Hate Crimes, Abortion, and Marriage Decisions,” 6 T. Marshall L. J. Gender, Race, and Just. 2 (2016).
Professional Conduct and The Law (2013).
Reprint Minimizing Liability for Church-Related Counseling Services: Clergy Malpractice and First Amendment Religion Clauses, 61 Defense L.J. 69 (2012).
Minimizing Liability for Church-Related Counseling Services: Clergy Malpractice and First Amendment Religion Clauses, 44 Akron L. Rev. 221 (2011).
A Female Professor’s Reflections on Thurgood Marshall School of Law: Past, Present and Future, 36 T. Marshall L. Rev. 121 (2010).
Ministerial Misconduct: Prevention and Church Policies, 19 Vital Issues (Spring/Summer 2010).
A Conversation with Johnnie Cochran: From His Book "Journey To Justice," 33 T. Marshall L. Rev. 1 (2007).
Sexual Abuse and the Church, 31 T. Marshall L. Rev. 209 (2006) (co-author).
Personal Injury: Actions, Defenses and Damages, in Vol. 24 Professional Liability 1-200 (LexisNexis 2006).
(Professor of Law)
The Law Demands Process for Re-homed Children, 69 Ark. L. Rev. 729 (2016).
A Presumptive in Custody Approach to Police Conducted School Interrogations, 40 Am. J. Crim. L. 145 (2013).
Realistic Opportunity for Release Equals Rehabilitation: How the States Must Provide Meaningful Opportunity for Release, 16 Berkeley J. Crim. L. 1 (2011) (Lead Article).
The Admissibility of Expert Witness Testimony Based on Adolescent Brain Imaging Technology in the Prosecution of Juveniles: How Fairness and Neuroscience Overcome the Evidentiary Obstacles to Allow for Application of a Modified Common Law Infancy Defense, 12 N.C. J.L. & Tech. 1 (2010).
Protection for Victims of Child Sex Trafficking in the United States: Forging the Gap Between U.S. Immigration Laws & Human Trafficking Laws, 12 U. C. Davis J. Juv. L. & Pol’y 309 (2008).
(Assistant Professor of Law and Director of Clinical Education)
Fifty Plus Years and Counting: A History of Experiential Learning and Clinical Opportunities at Thurgood Marshall School of Law, 39 T. Marshall L. Rev. 187 (2014) (with Martina Cartwright).
What’s My Line: Supervising or Co-Worker?, 24 Temp. Pol. & Civ. Rts. L. Rev. 43 (2014).
(Professor of Law)
All State Court Convictions for Possession of Drug Paraphernalia Are Not Necessarily Related to Controlled Substances Under the Categorical or Modified Approaches for Immigration Removal, 5 T. Marshall L.J. Gender Race, & Just. 25 (2015).
Expanding the Civil Privilege of Being Represented by Counsel through the Presumed Prejudice Doctrine, 17 UDC/DCSL L. Rev. 46 (2014).
Under the Circumstances, Padilla v. Kentucky Still Excuses Fundamental Fairness and Leaves Professional Responsibility Lost, 32 B.C. J.L. & Soc. Just. 31 (2012).
The Fourth Amendment's Further Gouging of the Plenary Power Doctrine, 2012 Emerging Issues Analysis 6687 (Oct. 2012).
Crimmigration: Constitutionalization of the Plea Bargaining Process after Missouri v. Frye and Lafler v. Cooper, 2012 Emerging Issues Analysis 6298 (Apr. 2012).
The Supreme Court's Resuscitation of the Fleuti Doctrine in Vartelas, and Its Possible Applications, 2012 Emerging Issues Analysis 6292 (Apr. 2012).
The Moment of Perception Triggers the Plea for the Purposes of the St. Cyr Analysis or the Section 212(c) Waiver, Not the Plea of Guilty or the Judgment of Conviction, 38 U. Mem. L. Rev. 799 (2008).
The Fence and the Wall (Mart)…Maginot Line Mentality, 39 Conn. L. Rev. 1383 (2007).
Prosecutorial Discretion: An Opportunistic Defense to Employer Sanctions Following Katrina, 31 T. Marshall L. Rev. 463 (2006).
(Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development)
Legal Analysis: 100 Exercises for Mastery and Teacher’s Manual (Carolina Academic Press 2d ed. 2017) (forthcoming) (with Katherine Vukadin).
The Elephant in the Law School Assessment Room: The Role of Student Responsibility and Motivating Our Students to Learn, 56 How. L.J. 447 (2013).
Legal Analysis: 100 Exercises for Mastery and Teacher’s Manual (LexisNexis 2012) (with Katherine Vukadin).
The Psychology of Hope: Legal Educators Must Strengthen Students’ “Waypower” to Succeed, The Learning Curve, Winter 2012, at 13.
Peer Editing: A Comprehensive Pedagogical Approach to Maximize Assessment Opportunities, Integrate Collaborative Learning, and Achieve Desired Outcomes, 13 Nev. L.J. 667 (2011).
All Hands on Deck: Maximizing Existing Resources to Improve Students’ Basic Writing Skills, AALS Sec. on Teaching Methods, Jan. 3, 2011, at 7.
Collaboration Training with an Eye toward Outcomes and Assessment, The Second Draft, Fall 2010, at12.
Now I See: Redefining the Post-Grade Student Conference as Process and Substance Assessment, 54 How. L.J. 1 (2010) (with Katherine Vukadin).
(Professor of Law)
Thurgood Marshall School of Law at Texas Southern University, 78 Tex. B.J. 788 (Nov. 2015).
Crawford at 10: Perspectives of Its Significance for the Profession and Academy from Study of the Reactions of the Nation’s State Supreme Courts and a Proposed Solution to the “Testimonial” Conundrum, Crim. L. Bull., Summer 2015, No. 4, at Art. 1.
Mens Rea Evaluations By The United States Supreme Court: They Don't Have The Tools And Only Occasionally Display The Talent - A Sixty Year Report Card - 1950 – 2009,35 Okla. City U. L. Rev. 399 (2010).
The Supreme Courts: Did September 11th Accelerate Their Sanctioning The Constitutionality Of Criminalizing Suspicion?, 7 Pierce L. Rev. 39 (2008).
Judicial Anarchy: The Admission of Convictions to Impeach; State Supreme Courts’ Interpretative Standards, 1990-2004, 2007 Mich. St. L. Rev. 307 (2007).
Federalism Gone Far Astray from Policy and Constitutional Concerns: The Admission of Convictions to Impeach by State's Rules--1990-2004, 2 Tenn. J.L. & Pol’y 239 (2006).
(Professor of Law)
Constitutional Law Cases and Materials (5th ed. 2013) (with Martin Levy).
The Limiting Principle Strategy and Challenges to the New Deal Commerce Clause, 15 U. Pa. J. Const. L. 11 (2012).
Symposium Introduction: FDR and Obama: Are There Constitutional Law Lessons from the New Deal for the Obama Administration?, 15 U. Pa. J. Const. L. 1 (2012) (Lead Article).
The New Deal Commerce Clause and the Modern Regulatory State: Economic Activities, Non-Activities, and Health Care, U. of Const. L., Vol.15 (2012).
The Second Amendment and the Myth of Neutrality: McDonald v. City of Chicago and Judicial Craftsmanship, available at (2010).
United States Supreme Court's 2006-2007 Term, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, and a New Direction, 36 Capital L. Rev. 511 (2008).
The Anti-Commandeering Doctrine and Foreign Policy Federalism - The Missing Issue in Medellin v. Texas, 31 Suffolk Transnat’l L. Rev. 335 (2008).
(Associate Professor of Law/Tenured and Associate Dean for External Affairs)
Must We Deploy Drones in the Twenty-first Century to Target Under the Radar Discrimination Against Minority Women at Law Schools at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUS)?, 31 Colum. J. Gender & L. 164 (2015) (with Edieth Y. Wu).
Dred Scott v. Sandford: A Prelude to the Civil War, 15 Rich. J.L. & Pub. Int. 377 (2011).
The Constitutionality of Presidential Signing Statements: A Note on H.R. 5993-The Presidential Signing Statements Act of 2008, 35 J. Legis. 1 (2009).
Whose War Is It Anyway? The War in Iraq: Shared War Powers of the Executive Branch and the Congressional Branch & The 2008 Presidential Election, 32 Okla. City U. L. Rev. 1 (2007).
"A Streetcar Named Negligence in a City Called New Orleans - A Duty Owed, A Duty Breached, A Sovereign Shield," 31 T. Marshall L. Rev. 557 (2006).
(Associate Professor of Law)
A Comparative Analysis of the Right to Privacy in the United States, Canada and Europe, 29 Conn. J. Int’l L. 257 (2014).
(Associate Professor of Law)
What Does Justice Have to Do with Interpreters on the Jury Room?, 84 UMKC L. Rev. 941 (2016).
The Politics of the Bail System: What’s the Price for Freedom?, 17 Scholar: St. Mary’s L. Rev. & Soc. Just. 171 (2015).
The Illusion of a Second Chance: Expunctions versus the Law School and State Bar Application Processes, 9 Fla. A&M U. L. Rev. 183 (2013).
Guilty or Innocent? Just Take a Look at My Brain-Analyzing the Nexus between Traumatic Brain Injury and Criminal Responsibility, 37 S.U. L. Rev. 25 (2009).
(Professor of Law)
Professional Responsibility: Basic Concepts (2014) (with Luckett Anthony Johnson).
Bail: Reforming Policies to Address Overcrowded Jails, the Impact of Race on Detention, and Community Revival in Harris County, Texas, 7 Nw. J.L. & Soc. Pol’y 42 (2012) (with Luckett Anthony Johnson).
Defending Foreclosure Actions, 40 Real Est. L.J. 516 (2012) (with Luckett Anthony Johnson).
Proposal to Reduce Recidivism Rates in Texas – 2010 Update, ECI Interdisc. J. Legal & Soc. Pol’y Vol. 1: Iss. 1, Article 5 (2011) (with Katherine Bauer and Elizabeth Tagle).
Will The Current Economic Crisis Fuel a Return to Racial Policies That Deny Homeownership Opportunity and Wealth?, 6 Mod. Am. 25 (2010).
Addressing Housing Needs in the Post Katrina Gulf Coast, 31 T. Marshall L. Rev. 327 (Spring 2006).
(Associate Professor of Law/Tenured)
Help Wanted: 23.5 Million Unemployed Americans Need Not Apply, 34 Berkeley J. Crim. L. 1 (2013) (Lead Article).
Out of Our Right Minds: The Effects of Cognitive Bias on Social Problems and How Taking the Middle Road Can Help, 16 Mich. St. U. J. Med. & L.167 (2012).
(Professor of Law)
Equitable Sharing: Distributing the Benefits and Detriments of Democratic Society (Lexington Books 2014).
Federalizing Public Education, 55 Vill. L. Rev. 369 (2010).
Systemic Classism, Systemic Racism: Are Social And Racial Justice Achievable In The United States?, 8 CONN. PUB. INT. L.J. 207 (2009).
Mandating Public School Attendance: A Proposal for Achieving Racial and Class Integration, 34 T. MARSHALL L. REV. 109 (2008).
The Democratic Right To Full Bilingual Education,7 Nev. L.J. 933 (2007).
Is Capital Punishment Immoral Even If It Deters Murder?, 46 Santa Clara L. Rev. 599 (2006).
(Professor of Law)
Discovery Under Bankruptcy Procedure: A “Trap Door?”, 84 N.D. L. Rev. 111 (2008).
Why There Is Disobedience of Court Orders: Contempt Of Court and Neuroeconomics, 26 Quinnipiac L. Rev. 1015 (2008).
(Assistant Professor of Law)
Experiential Education as Critical Pedagogy: Enhancing the Law School Experience, 38 Nova L. Rev. 249 (2014) (with SpearIt).
The Vanishing of the African-American Family: “Reasonable Efforts” and Its Connection to the Disproportionality of the Child Welfare System, 9 Charleston L. Rev. 29 (2014).
(Professor of Law)
Constitutional Law Cases and Materials (5th ed. 2013) (with Craig Jackson).
In Memoriam: Otis H. King “An Ode to Otis . . . ,” 38 T. Marshall L. Rev. 5 (Fall 2012).
High School Baseball, the NCAA, and Major League Baseball: “A Reality Show,” 5 Alb. Gov’t Rev. 332 (2012).
Foreword: “Born in Sin . . . The Lineage of Sweatt” The School of Law of The Texas State University for Negroes - The Thurgood Marshall School of Law, 36 T. Marshall L. Rev. 1 (2010).
The Thurgood Marshall School of Law, in Oxford Encyclopedia of African-American History (Oxford University Press 2009).
The Civil Rights Act of 1964, in Oxford Encyclopedia of African-American History (Oxford University Press 2009).
Desegregation and Integration in Public Education, in Oxford Encyclopedia of African-American History (Oxford University Press 2009).
Disfranchisement of African Americans, in Oxford Encyclopedia of African-American History (Oxford University Press 2009).
The Texas White Primary Cases, 33 T. Marshall L. Rev. 223 (Spring 2008).
Sarah Weddington, Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties, Rutledge Press (2006).
The Right of Privacy, Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties, Rutledge Press (2006).
The Fourteenth Amendment, Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties, Rutledge Press (2006).
Constitutional Law (West 4th ed. 2006).
(Associate Professor of Law/Tenured)
Crossfire on Compulsory Campus Carry Laws—When the First and Second Amendments Collide, 102 Iowa L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2016).
Symposium on “Texas Gun Law And the Future”: The Fatal Flaws in Texas’s Campus Carry Law, 41 THURGOOD MARSHALL L. REV. 1 (2016) (co-authored with Daniel De Luna) (lead article).
The Cost of Raising a Killer – Parental Liability for Parents of Adult Mass Murderers, 61 Villanova L. Rev. 1 (lead article).
Firearm Laws Redux -- Proposals for Disarming the Mentally Ill Post-Heller and Newton, 3 U. Mem. Mental Health L. & Pol’y J. 320 (2014).
Bullets and Books By Legislative Fiat: Why Academic Freedom and Public Policy Permit Higher Education Institutions to Say No To Guns, 48 Idaho L. Rev. 1 (2011) (Lead Article)
Persuasive Speech and Persuasive Legal Writing Require the Same Skills: So Why Aren’t We Using Oral Argument to Teach Persuasive Writing?, AALS Section on Teaching Methods Newsletter (Jan. 3, 2011).
(Assistant Professor of Law)
Amending the Flaws in the Safe Harbors of the Bankruptcy Code: Guarding Against Systemic Risk in the Financial Markets and Adding Stability to the System, 31 Emory Bankr. Dev. J. 305 (2015).
Metavante vs. Section 2(a)(iii)(1) of the ISDA Master Agreement: The Context is Everything, 31 Futures & Derivatives L. Rep. 18 (Apr. 2011) (with Sherri Venokur).
Amending the Flaws in the Safe Harbors of the Bankruptcy Code: Guarding Against Systemic Risk in the Financial Markets and Adding Stability to the System, 31 Emory Bankr. Dev. J. 305 (2015).
Metavante vs. Section 2(a)(iii)(1) of the ISDA Master Agreement: The Context is Everything, 31 Futures & Derivatives L. Rep. 18 (April 2011) (with Sherri Venokur).
Lehman Decision Holds That Mutuality Must Exist to Exercise a Right of Setoff, 29 AM. BANKR. INST. J. 30 (July/Aug. 2010).
Trapped Between a Rock and a Hard Place, 30 Futures & Derivatives L. Rep. 14 (June 2010).
The Bankruptcy Court’s Ruling in the Lehman-Metavante Matter—Has the Ticking Time Bomb of Enron vs. TXU Exploded or Been Defused?, 30 Futures & Derivatives L. Rep. 1 (Feb. 2010).
Is the Agreement a Simple Supply or Swap? A Post-BAPCPA Case of First Impression in the Fourth Circuit, 28 Am. Bankr. Inst. J. 30 (Apr. 2009).
(Professor of Law)
The Death of Fairness: Texas’s Future Dangerousness Revisited, 4 U. Denv. Crim. L. Rev. 1 (2014) (Lead Article).
Tinkering with the Machinery of Death in Texas: A Chronicle of Unbridled Injustice and Abuse, 16 Geo. Mason U.R. L.J. 183 (2006).
(Professor of Law)
Supreme Court Decision on Violent Video Games Was Based on the First Amendment, Not Scientific Evidence, 69 Am. Psychol. 307 (2014) (with Brad Bushman).
Constitutionalized Negligence, 89 Wash. U. L. Rev. 1065 (2012).
Implicit Bias-Inspired Torts, in Implicit Racial Bias Across the Law, 61 (Justin D. Levinson & Robert J. Smith eds., 2012).
Snyder v. Phelps: A Slice of the Facts and Half an Opinion, 2011 Cardozo L. Rev. de novo 64 (2011).
Unconscious Bias-Motivated Torts, in Implicit Racial Bias Across The Law (Cambridge University Press 2011) (Book Chapter).
Do Violent Video Games Harm Children? Comparing the Scientific Amicus Curiae “Experts” in Schwarzenegger v. Entertainment Merchants Association, 106 Nw. U. L. Rev. Colloquy 1 (2011) (with Brad J. Bushman & Craig A. Anderson) (Lead Article).
Children’s Developmental Vulnerability and the Roberts Court’s Child Protective Jurisprudence: An Emerging Trend?, 40 Stetson L. Rev. 777 (2011).
Snyder v. Phelps, the Supreme Court’s Speech-Tort Jurisprudence, and Normative Considerations, 120 Yale L.J. Online 193 (2010).
Snyder v. Phelps: A Prediction Based on Oral Arguments and the Supreme Court’s Established Speech-Tort Jurisprudence, 2010 Cardozo L. Rev. De Novo 418.
How Protected Is Free Speech? (Nov. 7, 2010),
State Actors Beating Children: A Call for Judicial Relief, 42 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 1165 (2009).
Intentional Sex Torts, 77 Fordham L. Rev. 1051 (2008).
Elements of Liberty, 61 SMU L. Rev. 1557 (2008).
Sex Torts, 91 Minn L. Rev. 769 (2007).
(Eugene Harrington Professor of Law)
Always Running: La Migra, Detentions, Deportations, and Human Rights, Immigration and the Law: From Conquest to the War on Terrorism(Sofia Espinoza Álvarez & Martin Guevara Urbina, eds., (forthcoming 2016).
U.S. Latinos and Criminal Injustice (2015).
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: The Waiver of an Interpreter and the Incidental Loss of the Rights to Confrontation, Assistance of Counsel, and Presence at Trial, 40 T. Marshall L. Rev. 273 (2015) (with Vanessa Goussen).
Legally White, Socially Brown: Alonso S. Perales and His Crusade for Justice for La Raza, in In Defense of My People: Alonso S. Perales and the Development of Mexican – American Public Intellectuals 75-95 (Michael A. Olivas, ed., 2012).
Arizona’s Desire to Eliminate Ethnic Studies Programs: A Time to Take the “Pill” and to Engage Latino Students in Critical Education About Their History, 14 Harv. Latino L. Rev. 301 (2011).
Racial Profiling as a Means of Thwarting the Alleged Latino Security Threat, 37 T. Marshall L. Rev. 5 (2011) (with Fernando Colon-Navarro).
The Right to Confrontation Compromised: Monolingual Jurists Subjectively Assessing the English-Language Abilities of Spanish-Dominant Accused, 18 Am. U. J. Gender Soc. Pol’y & L. 543 (2010) (with Janelle Martinez).
Constitutional Remedies for Latino Educational Neglect, in Our Promise: Achieving Education Equity for America’s Children (Carolina Academic Press, 2009).
Latinos, Terrorism and U.S. Immigration Policy, 1 HNBA J.L. & Pol’y 39 (2008) (with Fernando Colon-Navarro).
Immigration and Language Rights: The Evolution of Private Racist Attitudes into American Public Law and Policy, 7 Nev. L.J. 895 (2007).
Beyond Testing: Underlying Barriers to Education the Equal Treatment of Unequals: Barriers Facing Latinos and the Poor in Texas Public Schools, 14 Geo. J. On Poverty L. & Pol'y 215 (2007) (with Robert H. Kimball).
Linguaphobia, Language Rights, and the Right of Privacy, 3 Stan. J. Civ. Rts. & Civ. Lib. 53 (2007).
Is It Time to Kill the Death Penalty?: A View from the Bench and the Bar, 34 Am. J. Crim. L. 39 (2007).
(Assistant Professor of Law)
A Reason to Resist: The Use of Deadly Force in Aiding Victims of Unlawful Police Aggression, 52 San Diego L. Rev. 695 (2015).
Reassembling Osiris: Rule 23, the Black Farmers Case, and Reparations, 118 Penn. St. L. Rev. 339 (2013).
(Associate Professor of Law)
“Restoring the Pell Grant for Prisoners: Growing Momentum for Reform,” in The State of Criminal Justice 2016 (American Bar Association Criminal Justice Section 2016).
Keeping it REAL: Why Congress Must Act to Restore Pell Grant Funding to Prisoners, 11 Univ. Mass. L. Rev. 26 (2016).
Foreword to Thurgood Marshall School of Law Journal of Gender, Race, & Justice, Vol. 6 (2016).
Sonic Jihad: Muslim Hip Hop in the Age of Mass Incarceration, 11 Fl. Intl. U. L. Rev. 201 (2015).
Evolving Standards of Domination: Abandoning a Flawed Legal Standard and Approaching a New Era in Penal Reform, 90 Chicago-Kent L. Rev. 495 (2015).
How Mass Incarceration Under develops Latino Communities, in U.S. Latinos and Criminal Injustice (2015).
Shackles Beyond the Sentence: How Legal Financial Obligations Create a Permanent Underclass, 1 N.Y. L. Sch. Impact Ctr. Pub. Int. L. 46 (2015).
Redefining Gender Violence—Transcript from Converge! Reimagining the Movement to End Gender Violence, 5 Miami Race & Soc. Just. L. Rev. 289 (2015).
Foreward: From LatCrit to LatCrit 2.0—Institutionalizing a Movement and Cultivating Next-Generation Scholarship, 47 John Marshall L. Rev. 1167 (2014).
“Religion in Prisons,” in Religion and America Cultures: Tradition, Diversity and Popular Expression (2d ed. 2014).
Spectacular or Specious? A Critical Review of the Spectacular Few: Prisoner Radicalization and the Evolving Terrorist Threat, 39 T. Marshall L. Rev. 225 (2014).
Introduction—Twenty Years after the Education Apocalypse: The Ongoing Fall Out from the 1994 Omnibus Crime Bill, 33 St. Louis U. Pub. L. Rev. 283 (2014) (with Mary Rachel Gould).
Economic Interest Convergence in Downsizing Imprisonment, 75 U. Pitt. L. Rev. 475 (2014).
Experiential Education as Critical Pedagogy: Enhancing the Law School Experience, 38 Nova L. Rev. 249 (2014) (with Stephanie Smith Ledesma).
Muslim Radicalization in Prison: Responding with Sound Penal Policy or the Sound of Alarm?, 49 Gonz. L. Rev. 37 (2014).
Legal Punishment as Civil Ritual: Making Cultural Sense of Harsh Punishment, 82 Miss. L.J. 1 (2013) (Lead Article).
Facts and Fictions About Islam in Prison: Assessing Prisoner Radicalization in Post-9/11 America, Institute for Social Policy & Understanding, Inst. for Soc. Pol’y & Understanding, Jan. 2013 Report.
“Raza Islamica: Prisons, Hip Hop & Converting Converts,” in Hip Hop and the Law: The Key Writings that Formed the Movement (Carolina Academic Press 2015) (republished from 22 Berkeley la Raza L.J. 175 (2012)).
Religion as Rehabilitation? Reflections on Islam in the Correctional Setting, 34 Whittier L. Rev. 29 (2012).
Priorities of Pedagogy: Classroom Justice in the Law School Setting, 48 Cal. West. L. Rev. 467 (2012).
Why Obama is Black: Language, Law & Structures of Power, 1 Colum. J. Race & L. 468 (2012).
Enslaved by Words: Legalities and Limitations of ‘Post-Racial’ Language, 2011 Mich. St. L. Rev. 705 (2011).
Child Pornography Sentencing & Demographic Data: Reforming Through Research, 24 Fed. Sent’g Rep. 102 (2011).
Gender Violence in Prison & Hyper-masculinities in the ‘Hood: Cycles of Destructive Masculinity, 37 Wash. U. J.L. & Pol’y 89 (2011).
Gang Intervention in the United States: Legal and Extra-Legal Attempts at Peacemaking, in Peacemaking from Theory to Practice (Andrea Bartoli et al. eds., 2011).
Legal Omission: A Reaction to Asian Americans and Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure, 2 Geo. J.L. & Mod. Critical Race Persp. 207 (2011).
“Prison Religion,” “Girard, Rene” and “Prayer Beads,” in Encyclopedia of Global Religions (Mark Juergensmeyer & Wade Clark Roof, eds., 2011).
“Criminal Justice,” in Richard Hecht and Vincent Biondo, eds., RELIGION IN THE PRACTICE OF DAILY LIFE (Praeger, 2010).
Mental Illness in Prison: Inmate Rehabilitation & Correctional Officers in Crisis,14 BERKELEY J. OF CRIM. L. 277 (2009).
Manufacturing Social Violence: The Prison Paradox & Future Escapes, 11 Berkeley J. of African-Am. L. & Pol’y 84 (2009).
God Behind Bars: Race, Religion & Revenge,37 Seton Hall L. Rev. 497 (2007).
Reimagining Revolution: A Critical Review of Simon Schama’s Rough Crossings: Britain, the Slaves, and the American Revolution,9 Berkeley J. of African-Am. L. & Pol’y 74 (2007).
(Law Library Director and Associate Professor of Law/Tenured)
Citing Sources of Mitigating Plagiarism: Teaching Law Students the Proper Use of Authority Attribution in the Digital Age, 42 Int’l J. Legal Info., Summer 2014, at 177.
Remembering Our Past, Celebrating Sixty-Four Years: Thurgood Marshall School of Law Library 1947-2011, 36 T. Marshall L. Rev. 63 (2010).
Henry Eman Doyle, in AFRICAN AMERICAN NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY (Henry Louis Gates, Jr. & Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham, eds., Oxford University Press, 2008).
Lois Lee Prestage Woods, in AFRICAN AMERICAN NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY (Henry Louis Gates, Jr. & Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham, eds., Oxford University Press, 2008).
Review, “I-1 Step Away from the Podium! Tips, Tricks and Technologies for Energizing Training Sessions and Legal Research Classes” Mark E. Estes Editorial Director, 12(2) AALL Spectrum, September/October 2007.
(Associate Professor of Law/Tenured)
Weeds, Seeds & Deeds Redux: Natural and Legal Evolution in the U.S. Seed Wars, 18 Stan. Tech. L. Rev. 79 (2014).
Outing—and Ousting—the “Hidden” Hyde: Toward Repeal and Replacement of the Hyde Amendment, 64 Rutgers L. Rev. 165 (2011).
Beyond Consent: Applying Alter Ego and Arbitration Doctrines To Bind Sovereign Parents, in Multiple Party Actions In International Arbitration (2009) (with Professors Lee Kovarsky & Timothy Tyler).
(Professor of Law)
Have a Scoop of Grandpa: Composting as a Method of Final Disposal of Human Remains, 3 Savannah L. Rev. 137 (2016).
Rectifying These Mean Streets: Percent-for-Art, Street Furniture, and the New Streetscape, 104 Ky. L.J. 409 (2016).
Lawns and the New Watershed Law, 95 Marq. L. Rev. 213 (2011).
Law and the Authoritarian Aesthetic of the American Lawn, Art Lies, Spring/Summer 2011, at 44.
The Non-Maternal Wall and Women of Color in High Governmental Office, 35 T. Marshall L. Rev. 169 (2010).
In The Zone: Sex Offenders And The Ten-Percent Solutions, 94 Iowa L. Rev. 607 (2009).
Safe: Restrictive Covenants And The Next Wave Of Sex Offender Legislation, 62 SMU L. REV. 1817 (2009).
Privatizing Eminent Domain: The Delegation Of A Very Public Power To Private, Non-Profit And Charitable Corporations, 56 AM. U. L. REV. 455 (2007).
Correcting for Kelo: Social Capital Impact Assessments and the Re-Balancing of Power Between "Desperate" Cities, Corporate Interests and the Average Joe, 16 Cornell J. L. & Pub Pol’y 187 (2006).
(Associate Professor of Law/Tenured)
Legal Analysis: 100 Exercises for Mastery and Teacher’s Manual (Carolina Academic Press 2d ed. 2017) (forthcoming) (with Cassandra L. Hill).
Can the ACA’s Independent Review of ERISA Health Claims Co-exist with the Abbuse of Discretion Standard? New York Review of Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation (forthcoming 2016) (invited publication).
Obamacare Interrupted: Obstructive Federalism & the Consumer Information Blockade, 63 Buff. L. Rev. 421 (2015).
Unfinished Business: The Affordable Care Act and the Problem of Delayed and Denied ERISA Healthcare Claims, 47 J. Marshall L. Rev. 887 (2014).
Failure to Warn: Facing Up to the Real Impact of Pharmaceutical Marketing on the Physician’s Decision to Prescribe, 50 Tulsa L. Rev. 75 (2014).
Hope or Hype? Why the Affordable Care Act's New External Review Rules for Denied ERISA Healthcare Claims Need More Reform, 60 Buff. L. Rev. 1 (2012) (Lead Article).
Legal Analysis: 100 Exercises for Mastery and Teacher’s Manual (LexisNexis 2012) (with Cassandra L. Hill).
Delayed and Denied: Toward an Effective ERISA Remedy for Improper Processing of Healthcare Claims, 11 Yale J. Health Pol’y L. & Ethics 33 (2011).
Now I See: Redefining the Post-Grade Student Conference as Process and Substance Assessment, 54 How. L.J. 1 (2010) (with Cassandra L. Hill).
(Professor of Law)
A License to Kill: The Good, The Bad, and Ugly of Hospice Care, ___ N.D. L. Rev. ___ (forthcoming).
Racial Profiling-Separate and Unequal Keeping the Minorities in Line-The Role of Law Enforcement in America, 23 St. Thomas L. Rev. 576 (2011).
From State of California v. Scott Peterson to State of Utah v. Mark Hacking, Will More States Adopt Fetal Projection Laws?, 4 Crim. L. Brief 49 (2009).
His, Hers or Ours? Who Has The Right To Determine The Disposition Of Frozen Embryos After Separation Or Divorce?, 16 Buff. Women’s L. J. 39 (2008).
Application of the Insanity Defense to Postpartum Disorder-Driven Infanticide in the United States: A Look Toward the Enactment of an Infanticide Act, 6 U. MD. L.J. Race, Religion, Gender and Class 197 (2006).
Non-Contractual Court Awarded Attorney Fees—An Overview of the New Texas Rule of Civil Procedure 173 and the Common Law Regarding Awarding Attorney Fees to Guardian Ad Litems in Texas, 35 The Advocate 48 (Summer 2006) (with Dana T. Blackmore).
The Extreme Consequence of Parental Alienation Syndrome -- The Richard Lohstroh Case of a Child Driven to Kill His Father -- Will Courts Move Toward Allowing Children to Use Parental Alienation Syndrome as a Defense to the Crime of Murder of Their Own Parent?, 27 Women’s Rts. L. Rep. 153 (2006).
(Professor of Law)
Marriage Equality Laws Are A Threat to Religious Liberty, 41 S. Ill. U. L.J. 211 (2017)
Transgender Bathroom Rights And President Obama’s Unauthorized Scheme To Transform Title IX, 44 W. St. L. Rev. 1 (2016).
Same-Sex Marriage Equality Laws Are A Threat To First Amendment Religious Liberty, __ S. Ill. U. L.J.__ (2016).
In Fisher v. University of Texas Derrick Bell’s Interest Convergence Theory is on a Collision Course with the Viewpoint Diversity Rationale in Higher Education, 2016 Utah OnLaw 101 (2016).
The Problematic Right to Abortion under a Natural Law Perspective, 2 Indonesian J. Int’l & Comp. L. 803 (2015).
Good Public Policy Occurs Under Plyler When In-State College Tuition Rates Are Awarded to Undocumented Bona Fide Resident Immigrants, 25 Geo. Mason U. Civ. Rts. L.J. 191 (2015).
Leadership Matters: Saving Judge Scheindlin’s NYPD Racial Profiling Remedy in Floyd v. City of New York, 36 Whittier L. Rev. 95 (2014) (Lead Article).
May Traditional Deference to State Sovereignty Serve as a Rational Basis to Deny Marriage Equality to Same-Sex Wedding Vows?, 16 Loy. J. Pub. Int. L. 201 (2014).
The Supreme Court’s Rejection of the Rational Basis Standard in Shelby County v. Holder Invites Voter Suppression, 33 Miss. C. L. Rev. 219 (2014).
Medicaid Expansion, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and the Supreme Court’s Flawed Spending Clause Coercion Reasoning in National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius, 61 Clev. St. L. Rev. 1051 (2013).
The Commerce Clause Implications of the Individual Mandate Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, 26 J.L. & Health 29 (2013).
The Supreme Court’s Treatment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, 12 Appalachian J.L. 49 (2012).
The Supremacy Clause Preemption Rationale Reasonably Restrains an Individual State Pursuing Its Own Separate But Unequal Immigration Policy, 14 Scholar 679 (2012).
Introduction: Race & Immigration Symposium, 44 Ariz. St. L.J. 1 (2012).
African American Voices Should Speak Loudly and Proudly to Protect Undocumented Immigrants from Fundamentally Unfair Discrimination, in Charles H. Houston: An Interdisciplinary Study of Civil Rights Leadership 203 (James L. Conyers, Jr. ed., 2012).
Fifty Plus Years After The Start of The Civil Rights Movement A Contextual Analysis of the Freedom of Association for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People’s Pursuit of Reforming the Law, 12 Fla. Coastal L. Rev. 337 (2011).
In Response to the Call for Social Justice Historically Black Law Schools (HBLSs) Represent the New Mission of Educational Diversity in the Legal Profession, 14 J. Gender Race & Just. 747 (2011).
Commentary on Professor Richard Sander’s Class in American Legal Education, 88 Denv. U. L. Rev. 851 (2011).
Criminal Procedure and the Racial Profiling Issue for Professor Gates and Sergeant Crowley, 17 Wash. & Lee J. Civ. Rts. & Soc. Just. 305 (2011).
Income Integration as a Race-Neutral Pursuit of Equality and Diversity in Education After the Parents Involved in Community Schools Decision, 21 U. Fla. J.L. & Pub. Pol’y 365 (2010).
It Is Discriminatory For Arizona Or Society To Engage In The Anti-Immigration Practice Of Profiling Hispanics For Speaking Spanish, 12 Loy. J. Pub. Int. L 109 (2010).
A First Amendment Establishment Clause Analysis of Permanent Displays on Public Property as Government Speech, 35 T. Marshall L. Rev. 217 (2010).
Historically Black Colleges Advance Reverse Academic Diversity, 13 N.Y. City L. Rev. 1 (2009).
Standing And Speaking Constitutional Truth To Local Power Regarding Undocumented Immigrant Residents Dwelling With We The People Of The United States, 34 S. Ill. U. L.J. 55 (2009).
English Only Rules in Public Schools Should Be Presumed Illegal, 34 T. Marshall L. Rev. 379 (2009).
Race-Conscious Equality Confronts America, President Obama, Justice Sotomayor, Professor Gates, and Sergeant Crowley, 35 T. Marshall L. Rev. 113 (2009).
Racial Profiling and the Implications of Jena Six in Undermining the Civil Rights of Blacks in America, 36 S.U. L. Rev. 239 (2009).
Local Laws Restricting the Freedom of Undocumented Immigrants as Violations of Equal Protection and Principles of Federal Preemption, 52 St. Louis U. L.J. 479 (2008).
Implication of the No Child Left Behind Act for Educational Equity and Segregation, 4 FIU L. Rev. 101 (2008).
The Black Eye of Hurricane Katrina's Post Jim Crow Syndrome Is A Basic Human Dignity Challenge For America, 37 Cap. U. L. Rev. 93 (2008).
Justice Thurgood Marshall and School Integration: Green and Keyes from a Unitary Standard to a Double Standard to a Uniform National De Facto Standard, 27 Miss. C. L. Rev. 293 (2008).
Response to Professor Amar: Some Thoughts on the Electoral College's Past, Present, And Future, 34 OHIO N.U. L. REV. 393 (2008).
Local Laws Restricting the Freedom of Undocumented Immigrants as Violations of Equal Protection And Principles Of Federal Preemption, 52 St. Louis U. L.J. 479 (2008).
Johnnie Cochran Challenged America's New Age Officially Unintentional Black Code; A Constitutionally Permissible Racial Profiling Policy, 33 T. Marshall L. Rev. 135 (2007).
The Less Than Fair Employment Practice of an English-Only Rule in the Workplace, 7 Nev. L.J. 947 (2007).
Essay: Does The No Child Left Behind Law (NCLBA) Burden The States As An Unfunded Mandate Under Federal Law?,31 T. Marshall L. Rev. 239 (2006).
Hurricane Katrina and the Toxic Torts Implications of Environmental Injustice in New Orleans, 40 JohnMarshall L. Rev. 1 (2006).
Hurricane Katrina: First Amendment Censorship and the New Media, 31 T. Marshall L. Rev. 479 (2006).
Justice Alito and the Issue of Racial Discrimination: From Racial Segregation to Racial Diversity, 33 S.U. L. Rev. 469 (2006).
Raising the Bar in the Affirmative Action Debate: A Pragmatic Comment On Professor Richard H. Sander’s Systemic Analysis of Affirmative Action in American Law Schools Article, 15 S.Cal. Rev. L. & Soc. Just. 195 (2006).
(Professor of Law)
Must We Deploy Drones in the Twenty-first Century to Target Under the Radar Discrimination Against Minority Women at Law Schools at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUS)?, 31 Colum. J. Gender & L. 164 (2015) (with Faith Jackson).
Symposium, Drones in the Fight Against Terrorism—Should the Global Community Stringently Regulate Their Use?, 65 Syracuse L. Rev. 273 (2015).
Drones in the Fight Against Terrorism—Should the Global Community Stringently Regulate Their Use?, 3 Int’l J. Arts & Com. 19 (2014).
Should the United States Intervene in International Conflicts: Why, When, and How?, 23 Ind. Int’l & Comp. L. Rev. 163 (2013).
Cross-Cultural Patriarchal Demands on Women’s Dress Appearance, 33 Women’s Rights L. Rep. 169 (2012).
American Women – the Struggle Continues, 12 J.L. & Soc. Challenges 13 (2010).
Why Private Mercenary Companies Should Be Legitimized and Allowed To Enter the World Stage, 43 New Eng. L. Rev. 461 (2009).
Domestic Spying and Why America Should Avoid the Slippery Slope, 16 S. Cal. Rev. L. & Soc. Just. 3 (2006).