On behalf of the faculty and staff of the Thurgood Marshall School of Law’s Legal Clinic, welcome to the principal vehicle for experiential education at the law school. The Legal Clinic strengthens student preparation with a variety of practical experiential education opportunities. The Legal Clinic is designed to ensure students are ready for a smooth transition into their first legal position, serving as the bridge between academics and law practice.
The Legal Clinic’s umbrella “law firm” consists of individual legal clinics (Criminal Misdemeanor, Family Law, Immigration, and Wills, Probate, and Guardianship) and is dedicated to providing a first-class clinical education. Clinic students are assigned to faculty supervisors who have substantial litigation experience, engaging on a weekly basis, one-on-one case supervision, case rounds, and constructive feedback regarding student progress. In this manner, students develop competence in essential lawyering skills while becoming ethical, reflective practitioners.
The Legal Clinic stands at the heart of TMSL’s social justice mission through the incredible work of its professional community of clinical professors, staff, and students. Clinic students practice law in real cases, for real clients, in real courtrooms and make an impact in the lives of their clients. For our students, lessons learned in the classroom come to life.
We cordially invite you to learn more about the personal and professional prospects that clinical education provides law students. We look forward to assisting you in your skills development and improving your chances at a brighter and better career in the law.
Thank you.