• Research Services • Interlibrary Loans |
The Circulation Desk is staffed during the hours that the library is open. Desk attendants are available to answer directional questions, give library hours, take information on missing items and circulate library materials, place items on reserve, and take information on title purchase request.
Borrowing Privileges
The Law Library's collection is available to the general public for in-library research during posted library hours. The loan of materials is extended to students, faculty and staff of Texas Southern University. Although most volumes in the collection do not circulate, some materials may be charged out to qualified borrowers for a four (4) week period. Items must be renewed in person at the Circulation Desk. Qualified borrowers must have a current validated TSU ID card. No other form of identification will be accepted to check out materials. Those who are not current students, faculty or staff must have a current card issued by TexShare. The loan period for patrons with TexShare cards is also four weeks. All materials are due at the end of each semester, even if the normal four-week loan period has not expired. All loans should be initiated at least 15 minutes before posted closing times. Borrowed materials must be returned to the circulation desk.
Borrowing By Students For Faculty Members
A student employed by a faculty member as a research or teaching assistant may borrow non-circulating material for use in the faculty member's office only upon presentation of a letter from the faculty member, stating that the student is employed and authorized to borrow for the faculty member. This letter must be dated and shall be valid only during the semester in which it is written. The student must present their Tiger One card and request, at the time of loan, that the faculty member's name be added to the circulation record.
Borrowing By Members of Student Publications
Library materials may be borrowed for one semester by members of a student publication organization for use on student publication projects in the student publication office. Students must borrow these materials with their Tiger One card and ask to have the student publication name added to the circulation record.
Borrowing By Clinics
Students enrolled in clinics may borrow library materials for use in clinic offices only, until the close of the library that day. Students must borrow material, with their Tiger One card and ask to have the clinic name added to the circulation record. If the material becomes overdue and cannot be found in the clinic office, the student will be held responsible and subject to a library fine.
Interlibrary Loan
The Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service is provided for Law School faculty, students and staff. Books, theses, dissertations and journal or newspaper articles not owned by TSU or TexShare can be ordered through ILL. Interlibrary loan usually requires ten days to two weeks for processing. Failure to return materials on time may result in suspension of the borrower's library privileges and fines of $.50 per day, per item. Request ILL assistance from the Technical Services Manager or Reference Librarian (713)313-1106 or (713)313-1005.
Non-Circulating Items
Questions about the circulation status of library materials can be answered by the circulation staff. Non-circulating materials include:
Codes | Government Documents |
Multi-volume titles | Restatements |
Dictionaries | Law Reviews |
Periodicals | Software |
Digests | Loose-leaf materials |
Reference materials | Statutes |
Encyclopedias | Microforms |
Reporters | United States Legislative Information |
Non-reserve materials $10.00 maximum per day for each item, maximum $12.00
Reserve materials: Each item, $1.00 per day Each hour, $1.00 per item.
For lost books, the borrower must pay the replacement cost, fines, and a $5.00 processing fee. The Library reserves the right to change the average book price unless the borrower furnishes evidence of a lower actual cost.
Borrowers with books outstanding or fines unpaid one month after the date of the overdue notice or fine notice are subject to suspension of borrowing privileges and a hold on their academic records.
Reshelving Books
Please reshelve books in the proper location. Borrowers should not reshelve materials that have been charged to them from the Circulation Desk or Government Documents Department or if the item contains a call number. In this event or if you are uncertain where an item should be re-shelved, the borrower should return the item to the Circulation Desk. Place items with call numbers on re-shelving carts.
All materials charged from the Circulation Desk must be returned there. Checked out materials which are left in carrels or on tables will be treated as overdue and fined the maximum fine for overdue materials.
Suspension Of Privileges
The Library reserves the right to revoke, suspend, or modify the privileges granted in rules, with respect to all or particular individuals, student publications, and clinics, and with respect to all or particular categories of non-circulating material, at the Library's discretion.
Kindle Fire Documents