Wills, Probate, and Guardianship Clinic
Student attorneys in the Wills, Probate, & Guardianship Clinic, under the supervision of the Managing Attorney, assist clients in the following areas: (a) Probate matters, including but not limited to testate, intestate estates, administration of estates; (b) guardianship applications; and (c) small estate planning.
During the semester, each student is expected to maintain a 5-7 case docket, with opportunities to appear in court and represent clients in both contested as well as uncontested matters.
What Students Attorneys Do
- Students assist individual clients, referred by various agencies or the courts. Students are responsible for drafting all pleadings—initial and responsive, discovery, etc.
- Students are also responsible for drafting estate planning documents, such as Transfer on Death deeds, Wills, Statutory Durable Powers of Attorney, Medical Powers of Attorney, and Physicians Directives.
- Students conduct all factual investigations; interview clients and witnesses.
- Students also counsel clients on estate planning matters.
Course Information
- Wills, Trusts, & Estates and Trial Simulation are pre-requisites
- Students receive 4 units of graded credit for the practicum (Civil Trial Clinic) and 2 units of graded credit for the trial practice course (Civil Trial Practice).
- Second semester 2Ls and all 3Ls are eligible to apply.
Time Commitments
- Fall and Spring Semester(s): 12-15 hours per week
- Students are required to complete a total of 249 hours for the semester.
To Apply:
- Complete the online application (Coming in June 2016)
- Submit an unofficial copy of your transcript, one writing sample, and three references to Marilyn Epps in Room 100.
For more information, contact: Martina E. Cartwright, Assistant Professor: mcartwright@tmslaw.tsu.edu
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